Friday, January 14, 2022

WOW, it's been a while since we used this.

Thinking of resurrecting this blog.

Let's begin!

Just before the holiday, Chris picked up a 4 pack of Orange Smash by Devil's Backbone.  They're based on the Orange Crush, which is a drink that originated in the 90s in Ocean City, MD.  

Mystique: 1-10 points
Score: 5 - no real mystique, though the crab on the front is cute.

Color: 1-10 points
Score: 10 - looks exactly what a proper Orange Crush should look like in the glass.

Scent: 1-10 points
Score: 8 - very very light citrus scent.

Initial impression: 1-10 points
Score: 9 - light on the palate, with a fresh burst of citrus.  Doesn't seem to have any artificial flavorings.

Mouthfeel: 1-10 points
Score: 10 - LIGHT. 

Taste: 1-10 x 4 points
Score: 40 - delicious, very drinkable.  My non-drinker self consumed two in an evening.  For me to drink two, it has to be delicious. 

Raw Score:  82 points

Bonus: Value 1-10 points
Score: 6 - these are NOT cheap at around $13 for a 4 pack.

Total Score: 88 points

Friends.  These canned delights are ABSOLUTELY worth your funds and attention.  They're 10% ABV, so for a lightweight like me they'll clobber the drinker.  They sneak up fast and taste amazing while they do it.  They're as good as one can make, and half the price of one at the local bar.

And in These Unprecedented Times, that's important.  

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